The bibliographic sources used for the development of this Internet site are detailed below.
Bibliography is the website with the most complete and best scientific content from microscope manufacturers. It is one of the few
that also offers it from manufacturers of histological and
microbiological preparations. Provides links to other sources of microscopy information
***Adan.C.H.Ph. Le Monde Invisible Dévoilé. Révelations du Microscope. 1900.
Bausch E. Use and care of the microscope. 1902.
Beale Lionel S. How to work with the microscope. John Churchill.London.1857.
Beale Lionel S. Use of the microscope in clinical medicine. 1857.
**Beale Lionel S. The microscope in medicine. 1878.
Beck Conrad. The microscope. A simple handbook.1921.
**Beck Conrad. The Microscope. R &J Beck Ltd. Londres. 1923.
Bennett J.H. On the employement of the microscope. 1899.
*** Billings Microscope Collection. Washington. 1974. Este libro, en formato pdf, puede descargarse.
**Bradbury, S. The Evolution of the Microscope. Ed. Pergamon Press. Oxford. 1967.
Bradbury S. The Microscope: Past and Present. Pergamon Press. Oxford. 1968.
**Cross M.I. and Martin J. Cole. Modern Microscopy. Bailliere, Tindall and Cox. London. 1895.
Dick T. The telescope and the microscope.1851.
Ealand C.A. The romance of the microscope.1921.
***Fonvielle de Wilfrid. Les Merveilles du Monde Invisible. Ed. Hachette et Cie. Paris. 1880.
Ford Brian J. Single Lens: The Story of the Simple Microscope
Ed. Harper & Row Publishers. New York. 1985.
**Gage Simon Henry. Microscopy in America (1830-1945).
Ed. Oscar W. Richards. East Lansing, Michigan. 1964.
**Giordano Raymond V. Singular Beauty: Simple Microscopes from The Giordano Collection. 2006.
***Hogg Jabez. The Microscope. 15th edit. George Routletge & sons Ltd. London. 1898.
**Jacker Corinne. Window On the Unknown: A History of the Microscope. Ed. Charles Scribner’s Sons. New York. 1966.
**Langeron M. Précis de Microscopie. 2 éme ed. Masson eds. Paris.1934
Lankester Edwin. Half Hours with the Microscope. 20th Ed. Gibbins and Co. London.1898.
*Leitz Ernst. Microscope and the accessory apparatus. 3rd ed. 1894.
**Nuttall R.H. Microscopes from the Frank Collection 1800-1860. Jersey. 1979. ISBN 0950662801.
***Quekett A. The microscope. A practical guide.1887.
**Rooseboom Maria. Microscopium. Leide. 1956.
**Scales F. Shillington. Elementary Microscopy. Bailliere, Tindall &Cox. London. 1905.
*Stowell C.H. and Stowell L.R. Microscopical diagnosis. 1882.
**Turner Gerard L.E. Catalogue of microscopes. Museo di Storia della Sciencia. 1991.
***Turner Gerard L.E. Collecting Microscopes.. Cassell Ltd. Pub. London. 1981.
***Turner Gerard.L.E. Essays on the History of the Microscope. Senecio Publishing. Oxford.1980. ISBN 0906831016.
***Turner. Gerard L’E. God Bless The Microscope: A History of the Royal Microscopical Society over 150 years. Ed. Royal Microscopical Society. 1989.ISBN 0950246345.
*Turner. Gerard L’E .Scientific Instruments 1500-1900. An Introduction .Philip Wilson Pub. London. 1998. ISBN 0520217284.
Wipple G.C. The microscopy of the drinking water. 1914.
*Wright Lewis. A popular handbook to the microscope. R.T.S. London.1889.
Wright Lewis.The Microscope. Ed. The Religious Tract Society. London. 1905.
Wythes Joseph H. The microscopist a Manual. Lindsay and Blakiston. London. 1851.
Zeiss Carl. Microscopes and microscopy accessories. 1902
Informative manuals
Beale L.S.How to work with the microscope. Ed.John Curchill.London.1857.
Bosch Gerald. Expedición Microscopio. Ed. Siruela. Madrid. 2008.
Caballero Ernesto. El Microscopio. Manuales Gallach. Ed.Calpe. Madrid.1944.
Ellison Hawks Cptn. The microscope shown to the children. T.C.& E.C. Jack Ltd. London. 1919.
Healey Peter. Microscopios y vida microscópica. Ed. Bruguera juvenil. Barcelona.1980.
Whythes J.H. The microscopist. Ed. Lindsay and Blakiston. London. 1851.
Informative videos
Leewenhoek A. van: El padre de la microscopia.
Al ver lo invisible: Leewenhoeck y el descubrimiento de un mundo microscópico.