
Evelio Perea – Maria Victoria Borobio





The microscope is an instrument that has been indispensable for the evolution of science. It is impossible to imagine the state of development of current knowledge about life and nature without this scientific apparatus. We agree with Eliseo Carrascal in his statement that «the microscope is the lens that saved the world.»

Pelletan in 1876, in the foreword to his book «Le Microscope» expressed himself thus: «I do not believe that there is any instrument that has rendered science greater services than the microscope, there is no other that has had a wider use. Indispensable in researchers’ laboratories, its use as a necessary instrument in industry, agriculture, as a means of daily use and as a simple and precise research method has penetrated”.


The Perea-Borobio Collection was born from an appreciation for the inherent characteristics of an instrument of daily use for us, such as the microscope. Being doctors and microbiologists, this admiration led us to search for old models of microscopes, with a focus on those used in medicine and especially in microbiology.

Our collection thus began in order to bring together a group of microscopes used in microbiological diagnosis and to reflect the evolution of this instrument. We reached this goal a few years ago when we gathered the first 31 microscopes, which today constitute the Perea-Borobio donation made to the SEIMC in 2017.

However, by dating, studying, and fixing these gadgets, we discovered an endless world of wonderful little machines, precise mechanics, and ingenious, elegant design. In the same way, the ease of exploration and knowledge that the Internet currently offers makes it possible to visit many extraordinary collections of microscopes, which prompted us to complement our collection, until then very limited and incomplete.

From that moment on, we participated in numerous auctions for the acquisition of new models, with the only economic limitation of the cost, sometimes astronomical, of some microscopes. The rush to find beautiful pieces for the collection and the uncertainty of finding them again, if we let the opportunity slip away, were part of this adventure.

Under these premises, we acquired the microscopes of recent years until, in 2020, we managed to collect some two hundred devices. These form a varied and harmonious set in which the main European models and manufacturers are represented.

Monday, 10am–5pm
Tuesday, 10am–5pm
Wednesday, 10am–9pm
Thursday, 10am–5pm
Friday, 10am–5pm

Detalles interesantes acerca de la Colección

Años de historia
Años coleccionando
Microscopios fabricados entre los años 1760 y 1945 en 6 países de Europa y los Estados Unidos de América
Fabricantes diferentes: 32 de ellos de Inglaterra, 14 de Alemania,12 de Francia, dos de Austria, uno de Holanda y dos de Estados Unidos

About us

Evelio J. Perea M.D. Ph.D.

  • He has a degree in Medicine from the University of Seville. 1967 and a PhD from the University of Madrid. 1970.
  • Head of the Microbiology Section of the National Centre for Medical Research, Puerta de Hierro Clinic in Madrid. 1970-1974.
  • Adjunct Professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid. 1970-1974.
  • Head of the Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases of the V. Macarena University Hospital in Seville. 1976-2015.
  • Professor and director of the Department of Microbiology at the University of Seville.
  • Vice-rector for Research at the University of Seville.
  • Consultant of the World Health Organization and Expert of the Ministry of Health of Spain.
  • President of the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC).
  • Chairman of the International Society for Sexually Transmitted Diseases.Atlanta.USA.
  • President of the European Society for Clinical Microbiology and ID (ESCMID).

María Victoria Borobio M.D. Ph.

  • She is a Doctor of Medicine from the University of Zaragoza. 1970.
  • Adjunct Professor of Microbiology at the Complutense University of Madrid. 1971-1974.
  • Deputy of the National Centre for Virology. Madrid.
  • Head of the Microbiology Section of the Hospital Universitario 1 de Octubre de Madrid.
  • Head of the Microbiology Service of the V. Macarena University Hospital. 1976-2002.
  • Professor of Medical and Clinical Microbiology. University of Seville. 1977-2002.

Dr. Evelio J.Perea M.D. Ph.D.

María Victoria Borobio.M.D. Ph.

“I do not believe that there is any instrument that has rendered science greater services than the microscope, there is no other that has had a wider use. Indispensable in the laboratories of researchers it has penetrated its use as a necessary instrument in industry, agriculture, as a means of daily use and as a simple and precise research method. «


Dónde encontrar la colección

La Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica (SEIMC) es una de las más importantes sociedades médicas de España. Fue fundada en 1984.

Los Doctores Perea y Borobio son socios fundadores de la misma. En 2016 hicieron una donación a la Sociedad consistente en diversos aparatos antiguos de laboratorio, veinte libros históricos de enfermedades infecciosas y microbiología médica. Estos libros fueron publicados entre 1918 y el año 2000 y constituyen hitos históricos en el desarrollo de estas dos especialidades médicas. Finalmente, en la donación se incluyen veinticuatro microscopios que representan la evolución de este aparato como medio diagnóstico de la microbiología. Son aparatos fabricados de 1850 al año 1960.

Esta donación se encuentra depositada en la sede de la SEIMC donde es visitable.

C/María de Guzmán 58 Madrid 28003.Teléfono 915233099.